Support a Program

LiftUp AL Foundation is a tax-exempt volunteer non-profit education organization registered in the state of Alabama and designated public charity under IRS Section 501(c)(3). Your contribution is, therefore, tax-deductible to the extend permissible by law. 

Financial Education

FoolProofAlabama’s pilot and launch in Birmingham is supported through a charitable gift to FoolProof Foundation by a donor. Statewide launch, however, requires additional funding. The cost for this program to reach an estimated 35,000 middle and high school students in Alabama within five years is $200,000, or $40,000 annually, and then free thereafter for a similar cohort size. 

To give now, click the link

Sponsor FoolProofAlabama


GEMBHAM Retreat is free-of-charge for qualified participants because of generous donors like you. Your sponsorship gift helps an Alabama girl gain skills and the support that will empower her to navigate social environments and make a positive difference for herself and for her community.

A sponsorship investment of $750 supports one girl’s lodging, meals, snacks, beverages, all program educational and exploration activities, and roundtrip transportation from Birmingham.  The retreat organizers and leaders are all volunteers. 

To give now, click the link

Sponsor GEMBHAM Retreat